Keeping the Peace During Divorce: Helpful Tips and Strategies

There’s no doubt that divorce is one of the most challenging, emotional times in one’s life. And things can worsen if your split results in resentment, anger, or hurt. The easiest way to make the divorce process smoother is to keep conflict to a minimum.

Minimizing conflict will also make your life easier after your divorce, especially if you have children and will be co-parenting with your soon-to-be ex. This article will discuss some tips you can use to minimize or avoid conflict during a divorce.

Let Go of the Past

When you’re going through a divorce, it’s natural to think about the past and events that may have led to the breakup of your relationship. This can create a lot of animosity and conflict. Thinking of the past too much and dwelling on things your partner has done wrong will almost always result in an argument.

Don’t Antagonize

Emotions will likely run high during your divorce, and your ex may be trying to provoke you or be mean-spirited. Acting the same way back can create hostility, making divorce negotiations more complicated and drawn out. Antagonizing your spouse will make it less likely that you will be able to agree on a fair settlement, and your legal costs will increase as the process drags on. 

Keep All Communication in Writing

Keep all communication between you and your spouse in writing to document everything for your attorney and future use in court if necessary. Documenting proof that your spouse acts negatively or sends hurtful communications can help your legal claims.

It’s important to remember that it goes both ways. Be sure to control what you say, as it can also be used against you in court.

Check Social Media Privacy Settings

Many people don’t think of social media accounts regarding divorce. Your spouse and their attorney may keep checking your social media accounts, so it’s essential to think carefully before you post something.

Even if you set your account to private, people can still find ways to gain access to your information. The best idea is to take a social media break until your divorce is finalized. However, if you stay active on social media, avoid posting about your divorce or spouse.

Use a Mediator

A mediator is a neutral third party that can help facilitate negotiations during a divorce. Working with a mediator and your attorneys can help you avoid conflict and reach a fair agreement sooner, avoiding lengthy litigation.

Using a mediator instead of a judge deciding the outcome of your divorce will allow you and your spouse to reach an agreement that works best for your family. And since you will be making these decisions together, it can help avoid feelings that someone was short-changed, which can lead to resentment and conflict.

Communicate Through Your Attorney If Necessary

Some divorces are more conflict-ridden than others. If you cannot civilly communicate with your spouse, communication through your attorneys is likely a better idea. Your divorce attorney will advocate for you and can communicate without allowing emotion to cloud your judgment.

Keep Family Members Out of It

During the divorce, there may be negative feelings within the family. It’s essential to do your best not to create more. This is especially true if children are involved. Talking negatively about their other parents or trying to get them to take sides can damage your relationship with them.

Set Clear Goals

What are your goals after the divorce? If you are not the primary parent of your children, how often do you want to see them? Do you want to be friends with your ex, or only want it to be civil?

Finances play a critical role in a divorce. Examine your current financial situation and determine what you need for your future and what you are okay with letting go of. Understanding what financial resources you need can give you financial peace of mind and help you avoid getting caught up in the less important details.

Focus on the Future

After you’ve set your goals, focus on them and work towards your post-divorce future. Don’t get caught up with minor things. Stay focused on the most important goals for you and your future.

Let Azemika & Azemika Help You Keep the Peace in Your Divorce

Following these tips can help you minimize conflict in your divorce. While you may be hurt or resentful, conflict will only make the process longer and more challenging. Instead, focus on what you want your life to be like after the divorce and work towards that future life.

At Azemika & Azemika, we focus solely on family law cases. We understand that each case is unique, and our extensive experience handling divorce cases allows us to customize each situation to fit our client’s needs. We can help you create effective resolutions for disputes during your divorce, and we will fight for you and protect you and your family during the divorce process.

Contact us today for a consultation.

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