Mother Sanctioned for Not Complying with Orders

In affirming the Trial Court, a California Court of Appeals has ruled that Trial Court did not make a mistake by imposing California Family Code Section 271 sanctions of $552,153 on a parent whose refusal to comply with Trial Court custody and visitation orders and whose concomitant litigious conduct in Pennsylvania Trial Court frustrated settlement and added to the parties litigation costs. In the case of In re Marriage of Wahl and Perkins, Mother and Father were divorced in 1999. Sometime later, custody and visitation proceedings resulted in a December 2005, custody order that was designated as a final order, modifiable only on a showing of substantial change of circumstances.

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Bankruptcy and Alimony in California

Alimony, also known as spousal support, requires one spouse to provide financial support to their former spouse in the case of separation or divorce. Declaring